Quem somosAbout us
Synapsis is an international and informal organization that has an humanistic and ecological concern. Aims to strengthen the freedom of women and men to be informed, to relate and to work together, articulating without borders so that we can focus with critical awareness, towards a future not only possible but...
Synapsis maintains a constant ecological concern in its intentions. From the dissemination of good practices to prototyping imagination, our community is always ready to work in this direction. As environmentalists we consider important to emphasize our view of nature as part and extension of ourselves. However, we understand that the...
Synapsis brings together different professionals. The architects formed a working group, Synarqs. This group focus on pushing the boundaries of the architect’s professional practice, offers free advice in the area and develops projects for relevant causes. On this page you can learn more about some examples of this initiative. A...
Synapsis develops projects in education, ensuring the integrity of the subjects, students and educators. We aim to encourage the participation of all people in any institutional or governmental process, strengthening links and networks while contributing to the formation of each of them. A Synapsis desenvolve projetos na área educacional, zelando...
A Synapsis compreende que em um mundo globalizado, onde as metas para redução de emissões são cada vez mais discutidas e implementadas, a revolução energética através de recursos renováveis tende a ser fator de influência crescente no desenvolvimento da sociedade.
Synapsis maintains that urbanism is a topic that deserves a multidisciplinary look in aid of the urban planner‘s work. We are aware that multidisciplinary teams are expensive to maintain, and so hard to find in full swing. We have this diversity and also aim to facilitate and exchange knowledge. So...