A Synapsis compreende que em um mundo globalizado, onde as metas para redução de emissões são cada vez mais discutidas e implementadas, a revolução energética através de recursos renováveis tende a ser fator de influência crescente no desenvolvimento da sociedade.
MIT Researchers Make Salt Water Drinkable With Solar TechnologyPesquisadores do MIT tornam água salinizada em potável com a energia solar
Brazil standing out in wind power and promising in solar energyBrasil desponta na geração eólica e promete na solar

According to the brazilian government report “World Energy and Socioeconomic Ranking (years 2012/13/14) (portuguese) Issued on 10/11/2015, produced by the Ministry of Mines and Energy, the country will reach already in 2015 20 TW for wind generation, at the moment it ranks 10th to generation, up 5 positions (it was…
Brazilian Development Program for Distributed Power GenerationPrograma de Desenvolvimento da Geração Distribuída de Energia Elétrica
On Dec 2015, the brazilian Ministry of Mines and Energy launched the Distributed Generation Development Program for Energy (ProGD) and announced the investment of R$100 million (US$25 mi) for the installation of floating solar plants in water reservoirs in the cities of Balbina and Sobradinho. With tax exemptions on the…
A cooperative is the sunniest renewable energy supplier in the NetherlandsUma cooperativa é a fornecedora de energia renovável mais ensolarada da Holanda
Sustainable initiatives are fast spreading in the North of the Netherlands (Friesland, Groningen and Drenthe) where, in a grass roots way, they’re helping to achieve the transition to a sustainable society. NLD – Noordelijk Lokaal Duurzaam (Northern Local Sustainable) energy was created to support and accelerate the environmental ambitions of…
One of solar’s biggest problems about to be solved by Tesla Powerwall Tesla Powerwall pode resolver um dos grandes problemas da energia solar
Photovoltaic advocates and enthusiasts are now contemplated with what most knew was needed, a quality, efficient, affordable and scalable solution product that helps us deal with the seasonality of our Sun. At the size of a typical solar inverter hanged on a wall, the 10 kWh Tesla Powerwall battery module…
Micro e Mini geração de energia estimulada pela isenção de ICMSMicro and Mini energy generation stimulated by tax exemption in Brazil
The National Council of Finance Policy (CONFAZ), signed an ICMS exemption agreement (Link in portuguese) to encourage micro generation (<100kW) and mini generation (< 1 MW). ICMS is a tax that pertains to the circulation of goods, and providers of transportation and communications. As a state tax, it can vary…
Fotovoltáicos – Análise solar de sombreamento para uma residênciaPhotovoltaics – Shadow analysis for one home

Besides an effective solar orientation and geographical position, a project to install photovoltaic panels is also challenged by physical impediments to sunlight like buildings, mountains and peripheral vegetation. The top of a tree can not be shadowing the installation location during the summer, where the sun has a more vertical…
Projetos e ilustrações para instalações de fotovoltaicos – Países BaixosProjects and visualization for solar pannels instalations – The NetherlandsProjecten en Artistic impressions van zonnepanelen – Nederland

In visual terms the positioning of solar panels, although relatively simple, may be a hindrance to clients concerned with the aesthetics and possible spatial discomfort caused by its installation. The illustrations below were requested as means to help the clients on clearing any doubts over the future viewable results. Farm…
Crescendo com inteireza Growing with wholeness

[ngg_images source=”galleries” container_ids=”2″ exclusions=”13″ display_type=”photocrati-nextgen_basic_slideshow” gallery_width=”400″ gallery_height=”400″ cycle_effect=”fade” cycle_interval=”10″ show_thumbnail_link=”1″ thumbnail_link_text=”[Show thumbnails]” order_by=”sortorder” order_direction=”ASC” returns=”included” maximum_entity_count=”500″] Amongst the many joint initiatives in the world, Grunneger Power has been having a steady and interesting growth throughout community grounds in Groningen. The vision of a society that is able to produce the…